This is an article about the art of selecting and using crystal pendant for maximum benefit. It covers chains and necklaces too. You can read the transcript or enjoy the more visually interesting video with lots of photos and demonstration.
Click here to enjoy the video on the energetic success and failures of buying crystal pendants, selecting a crystal to wear, cleansing the crystal pendant, and wearing the crystal pendant for maximum benefit.
And if you enjoy the video, we have bucket loads of crystal pendants, chains and necklaces to suit everyone – click here!
Hello and welcome to Crystal-Experiences – a channel designed to help you enjoy more meaningful connections to the world of Mother Nature’s crystals. This video has been created to help you use your pendants more effectively than you may have realized to boost your development.
By this I mean your personal and spiritual development including building confidence in your intuitive senses.
You may already have experienced a particular pendant whose energy from reading a book or holding it in your hand matched exactly what you needed.
But somehow, it felt “wrong” when you were wearing it. This is to help you understand why.
If you are new to crystal pendants, then you will get a chance to avoid beginner mistakes. It is about The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit
And in both cases the better understanding should also help you better sense your intuitive skills with less self-doubt.
It has been created from personal and customer experiences of what went well and what went wrong with wearing crystal pendant.
My name is Shamarah, I have been selling crystals for over 18 years, where I have shared stories and insights with hundreds of customers at markets and our shops.
I have a companion video on wearing crystal bracelets.
I am not going to talk about selecting the right crystal itself in this video, except for a section called: “buy right for your energy type.”
Picking the right crystal to wear for love, or confidence, or money and so on, already has other videos on that topic and more coming.
It will instead focus on the insights related to the crystal which is worn around the neck such as a
- pendant in a metal setting or
- crystal with a drilled hole on string, or
- a beaded necklace, or
- a tumble in a metal spiral, cotton or hemp basket necklace.
I will use the term “pendant” to cover all these forms of wearing a crystal.
While I mainly use the term “using your intuition”, “Guidance” or “sensing the energy”, I mean any intuitive sense that you may have already active to receive helpful and accurate insights about the pendant. These include:
- gut feel,
- clairvoyance (you see images),
- clairsentience (you feel energy),
- claircognizance (you just “know” the information, and
- clairaudience (you can hear information.
This video covers areas about use such as:
- Checking if the pendant is energetically cleansed on all levels.
- Positioning the pendant correctly.
- Discovering how the pendant may be helping you directly or indirectly.
- Why you may not be attracted to certain crystal pendants for yourself even though you love them on others.
- What to do if you receive or buy one that feels wrong in some way.
- How you can change the energy of a crystal pendant to be even better.
- What you should know about wearing multiple crystal jewelry at the same time.
- What to do when you face a situational ban or you fear other people’s judgements of you if you wear a crystal pendants.
- Does the pendant’s size matter?
- Does the pendant’s shape matter?
- Is there a style of the pendant’s setting that is important?
- Does the colour of the pendant’s settings matter?
It is a very long video and being new to editing I hope I inserted chapters correctly via YouTube’s software.
To begin, have you experienced the following:
- a pendant felt good to wear the last time you put it on but now you sense something’s “wrong” with it?
- It even causes you to feel sad, irritated, or anxious, the exact opposite of what you want it to do.
Correct Cleansing and Recharging
As the first example in “The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit”, let’s start with the obvious: “is the energy of the pendant in a good state?”
Maybe the last time you wore it was during a difficult time. That could be last week, a month ago, five years ago. Maybe you loaned it to someone else to wear and this is the first time you have worn in since then.
What you could be feeling is all the energy the pendant absorbed from you and the environment. It is still stuck in the stone and the metal surrounding. Yes, metals are crystals too.
We often don’t appreciate how much a crystal pendant is absorbing the negative and the stale energy from you and from the environment around you. Therefore, what you are sensing is the energy that was absorbed but which are you are no longer a match.
You can be pleased, if you noticed this! Especially if you did not already realize you were getting intuitive messages. Discovering your intuition will help you a lot in life. Practicing it through what, where and why a particular crystal pendant is a safe way to build this sense.
So, if this is your situation:
- you know the pendant was good to wear last month,
- it is the right one to wear today but
- it feels wrong to put on then you need do a basic crystal cleanse and re-charge.
If the jewelry is just metal, for example it’s a silver chain, then use any of the cleansing methods be that water, water and salt, smudge, Tibetan bowls and so on will work.
However, if you have a crystal in the pendant then you need to consider the following:
- What type of stone is it?
- Soft, absorbent stones like Opal or Calcite should not be left to soak in water.
- Be especially careful with salty water.
- And if you want to put it in the moonlight, take care as dew can accumulate on them.
- They are usually OK for a short time, but over time they might be affected.
- Some crystals like kunzite and labradorite will fade in the sun over time.
- So, avoid using the sun to cleanse and charge.
- And some cleansing and re-charging will naturally happen if being worn in the sunshine.
- Smudging seems to work for all stones, but it can be bad for the human.
- If young children, asthmatics or others with lung or sinus sensitivities – don’t do it.
- And if you cannot create a safe place for a smoldering flame – don’t do it!
- Another consideration Is to check if the setting is secure.
- For example, are there broken claws?
- Then placing it in a Tibetan bowl may worsen it.
- And I would not put soft or delicate stones in a vibrating machine either.
- Consider playing an OM chant to cleanse and charge if you like the sound of this mantra.
- My TOP recommendation and the one that was channeled over and over in the shop was:
- for customers to buy a palm sized amethyst cluster (or larger) and each night put your pendants on them.
- Pendants need cleansing more often than a crystal on your desk or shelf.
- You are wearing them all day!
If you have done the above and it still feels energetically wrong in your hand, it may need a more advanced cleansing. This typically occurs if you have not worn the pendant for say, 6 months or even for years. And in that time, you have changed a lot.
- You may have stopped behaviours that had caused your emotional turmoil.
- You may have made significant changes in what you believe and think about.
- You may have moved away from a long-term negative situation and begun to be the real you.
And so, this why the pendant cannot be so easily cleansed. The “old you” energy is still energetically deeply entwinned with its energy.
This is why when inheriting Grandma’s beautiful pendant, you may not feel good when putting it on. Even after a normal cleanse it still sends you into thoughts, beliefs, fears and other emotional states that aren’t “you”. The pendant needs to be freed of this old stuck energy.
To do the deeper cleanse you will need Reiki, Theta Healing, or similar Energy Healing techniques.
If you do not know these, then maybe you know someone who can do the cleanse for you.
Later in the video I will talk about bringing them with you to a Healing session.
Crystal Pendant Positioning Is Key
The most unknown aspect in “The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit” that I want to talk to you about, is the situation where you know the crystal pendant is the right one and it is cleansed. But when you put it on, after 15 minutes or so it is causing physical discomfort even making you feel “sick in the stomach”. Or maybe you notice that it does not seem to be working at all.
The most common thing to check, believe it or not, is the length of the chain or cord that you’ve put it on.
Here is how I learnt that the chain or cord length was important.
Customer Story:
A customer was excited to buy an orbicular jasper from my shop. It felt amazing in their hand which was being held just below their heart. They came back a day later saying they did not feel well now that they were wearing it and They had it on a short chain at their Thyroid.
I tuned in and immediately received that the pendant was too high up. That the Thyroid and Throat chakras did not like the Jasper.
I asked the customer to remove the pendant and she commented that things felt better now that it was off.
I intuited that the pendant wanted to hang below the Heart chakra.
I offered her a longer chain and she started to feel once again the amazing energy she had enjoyed when she first held it.
Why did this happen? Jasper’s natural energy is an earthy one. Look at how it formed – it was sedimentary rock which was then metamorphized. This meant it is an earthy energy, which is a denser energy. It was too overpowering for the lighter energy of the thyroid and throat chakras.
However, once it was positioned at or below the Heart, it was working with the lower chakras which are denser too as they are closer to the Earth.
This is what Jaspers are best known for – creating you to drop into your lower chakras to ground your energy so you can connect to the Heart of Mother Earth and feel her support.
Even a pendant like amethyst which can work at above and below the Heart chakra needs to be in the right position on any day when being worn. It can do a great job here if you are experiencing anxiety as tummy churning. By being placed on a long chain near the solar plexus, it will cleanse, balance, and expand your sense of self-worth and self-esteem.
But if on another day, you experience your anxiety through thoughts and beliefs you have about how you can’t express yourself properly in front of others, then the pendant being at the solar plexus will not help you. In this case placing the amethyst pendant on short chain, so it sits up at the throat, allows the crystal can get to work with the mental body.
So, take care it when you are putting on your pendant for the day! Don’t fall into the typical beginner’s mistake of putting it on in “automatic mode” with the same chain every day. Now that you are buying real crystals for their help, you need to feel into where to hang them.
I too, as a beginner, experienced physical discomfort when wearing new pendant wrongly.
My story:
I was so excited by my first experiences of picking crystal pendants intuitively for myself. This included that I needed to buy a rhodonite pendant.
When I read what it was for, it was clearly the perfect helper to aid me to move through feelings of vengeance from being deeply hurt by family and others. This emotion prevents feelings of love and compassion as the Heart chakra size is reduced by it.
I proudly wore it for the first time to a workshop to deepen the psychic abilities of the group. As I sat there, I could feel I was getting hot but assumed it was the energy building in the room to improve our psychic connection.
However, one woman and then another, could see I was going red in the face. Being already intuitive they asked, “Was I hot”? And I said “yes”. One then asked without hesitation: “How long have you worn that pendant?”
I answered that it was my very first time. The two immediately said “Take it off now!” And as I did so, I immediately started to cool down.
Then I went into self-doubt. Had I picked wrongly? No, the pendant was perfect for me. So, what had gone wrong?
I had automatically put it on a short chain at my Thyroid to look nice with the clothes I was wearing. The rhodonite pendant I was wearing was earthy in its energies and had overwhelmed that chakra. So, my physical body was signaling a problem by overheating my face.
Thankfully others saw the message.
Later I when I felt the need to wear it again, I intuitive checked this time and received that it needed to be worn to sit at the Heart. And in this position, it supported me beautifully from then on.
And here is another thought –
If you can’t tell that your pendant is handing in the wrong place because you are too focused on current activities and not open to receiving intuitive message (yet), then trust that your physical body’s own innate consciousness will kick in to do its best to get the message through.
It will create some discomfort to get you to instinctively take it off.
When A Pendant’s Work Is Done
A similar message will be sent by your body’s consciousness when you are wearing a pendant, that needs to be removed because its work is “done for the day”.
You will find that you start to fiddle with it in a way that is not calming. It is a sign that your hands are trying to get you to take it off. By coming off, it allows any other crystals on you to go even deeper in their assistance to you.
Routine for Putting On A Pendant
So, let’s summarize these insights so far:
If you’re going to be wearing pendants effectively:
- first you intuit the right crystal pendant.
- Then sense if the crystal is cleansed and ready to wear.
- And next move the pendant up and down your chest to intuit what position it wants to be worn at.
As you know can understand, sticking rigidly to fashion requirements such as placing a pendant on a choker because it’s the “in thing to do”, can mean you will not receive benefit from wearing it.
If you want to wear pendants so you can best receive their energetic assistance, then it’s not a fashion choice, it’s an intuitive one. But don’t worry, sometimes both can match up!
Indirect Benefits of a Crystal Pendant
And there is one final unexpected reason why sometimes a crystal pendant needs to be worn and why it needs to hang in a particular position. I will call it the indirect reason you are wearing it! And that reason is because the people around you need to see it too.
They have an energetic imbalance and to help you deal with them, they need to be helped as well by the pendant.
Shop Story:
I first channeled this information when I was intuiting Blue Lace agate pendants for customers. This is a crystal that I noticed was 80% of the time being intuited for the naturally empathic, feminine person who was having trouble being heard by someone at work or in the family. That person had by a strong personality that overwhelmed the gentler soul and did not listen to them.
The crystal directly aided the customer by helping create the courage within them to speak up with their knowledge, needs and opinions despite the overwhelm, and to do this from their natural, gentle expression. I would then receive the message that it needed to be seen by the person with the strong personality.
And why?
Their eyes took in the soft blue and white energy of the crystal, helping to cool and calm their strong emotions that were being expressed as bossiness. And this would then allow their busy mind to quieten from its distractions of inner judgments. As it did its magic, they would begin to listen.
And so many of these customers did report back to me that blue lace agate had dramatically improved the quality of the communication. They were delighted that they are spoken up and that they had been listened to properly.
And this is only one of many stories about how wearing crystals helped the someone indirectly.
So many customers told me their experience of how wearing a pendant, unexpectedly created a lovely connection to others.
So, have your chance around colleagues, friends and family, to watch them respond to these wonders of nature. Just by admiring your pendant, they start to ground their energies, and their mind moves into positivity.
What helps them indirectly helps you. So hey, let your pendants shine!
And what if you really are not happy wearing the pendant you need with your current outfit?
- Considering hiding it under your top! It will still work for you.
Getting the Pendant To The Right Position
Now you may be asking yourself “what if I cannot get the pendant to the right place against my body?” Here are some suggestions:
- If you need to get energy up into the Third eye or Crown, place the pendant at the throat and ask it to send energy upwards.
- However, I have had customers use hair pings to hold the pendant in place in their hair!
- If you need to get the energy down to the solar plexus, sacral or the base chakra, there is an advantage if you wear a bra.
- Hang the chain from it!
- And if not, maybe a safety pin can be safely used.
- And if a beaded necklace is too short … consider inserting a bracelet chain, or buying a chain extender so it can drop down to the correct position for the day you want to wear it.
The Right Pendant For Your Energy Type
Now in our discussion of “The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit”, let’s talk about wearing the right crystal pendant for you.
Have you ever found yourself loving the pendant your friend is wearing but when you go to buy one for yourself it feels wrong?
Or maybe social media says, “you must buy turquoise, it’s the best for strengthening your communication” and you think “yes, that’s what I need help with!”
So, you buy one on-line and when it arrives you notice that you are not enjoying wearing it? You may be not attracted to it. Or there is an uncomfortable feeling holding it.
This may have nothing to do with where you bought it or the crystal’s energy. It has to do with – is the crystal right for you, your energy field, and your needs?
For some years I watched friends come in together planning to buy the same crystal because they had the same need for one. Yet they bought different ones.
For example:
- Both wanted help with mental anxiety.
- Yet one would need a plain amethyst pendant and their friend needed the layered form called chevron amethyst.
I too have intuited:
- that if help was wanted with building self-esteem and self-worth
- that for one of person it had to be a citrine, yet for the friend it was golden quartz.
I felt there had to be a hidden reason.
And as I started receiving insights about the matter, I then would then check with the customers to get verification about what I was channeling. So … what could be this reason for the different selection crystals, of the same colour, for the exact same request for crystal assistance, between you and your friend?
It was consideration of type of natural energy you are.
So here is a “Rule of Thumb”
What is your ASTROLOGICAL STAR SIGN? What is your main House – are you and Aquarian, an Air Sign? Or a Leo, a Fire sign?
What I had been noticing was that what I was intuiting for people, or they were drawn to, was aligned to their astrological star sign. It was not always a match, sometimes someone could be a Water sign, but with many of their other 11 astrological houses where in Earth and Fire signs then the following rule of thumb did not match up well.
Let’s say two friends wanted assistance with stress and anxiety coming from their thoughts and beliefs.
If one friend was strong in the Water elements, like a Piscean, they would need a transparent stone that looked like water such as a plain purple amethyst pendant to get the right energy.
If the other friend was strong in Earth energies, like a Capricorn, they would need an opaque stone, that look earthy such as a lepidolite or chevron amethyst pendant to benefit their needs.
Maybe you love the rose quartz pendant on your friend who is the Air sign of Libra, but you are the Fire sign of Aries – don’t be surprised if you prefer the rhodonite pendant for yourself.
And there are some crystals usually the clear crystal pendants like Selenite and Clear Quartz which work across all star signs.
Authors of crystal books like Judy Hall and others, often list which crystals match better to which Star Signs.
Again, this is not a “rule of thumb” for the rest of your life. You do create modifications in your overall natural energy as you move through major stages of your spiritual development.
My Story:
I am an Earth star sign, so for many years I needed a chevron amethyst pendant which was a marvelous stone:
- for calming my overly busy mind.
- It helped me ground my energies back down instead of living in my mental field.
- And it would support me through to release my bewilderment as to how my life had gone so wrong as well as the accompanying emotional pain.
However, in the past year, I have finally resolved much of what created the drama in my mind and body. I am more at peace with my life, staying naturally grounded and with an open heart most of the time.
Now it is time to wear a purple-only amethyst pendant. For me, this pendant offers its higher frequency assistance creating a more permanent connection to Source energy.
Buying Ahead of Time
And this reminds me, sometimes you are guided to buy a pendant years before you need it. Why?
Because this will be the only time you can buy that unusual shape or unusual shade of colour.
Or, the person who created the pendant’s energy will be a key factor in lifting you to a future potential.
I bought a Shaman’s rose quartz pendant with a beautiful silver design at the top when I visited Macho Pichu, Peru nearly 20 years ago.
- It has not been worn.
- I keep checking in to see if I should sell it. Maybe I bought it unknowingly for someone else and it is now their time to get it.
- But I always get a strong “No” as it will be important to my energetic development sometime in the future.
Why Could A Pendant Feel “Dead”? Or Overwhelm or Sap Your Energy
For this next section in “The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit”, I will chat now about three situations you may experience or have experienced.
- A pendant that is Energetically “dead”.
- One that saps your energy.
- One that overwhelms your energy.
Energetically “Dead”
Have you bought a pendant on-line and when it arrives you notice that it feels energetically dead to you? You can’t feel any life force from the crystal?
Sorry, but the probable reason is that the crystal pendant you are holding is a fake. I will do a whole other series to deal with the ever-increasing issue of man-created pendants being sold as real crystals. Unfortunately, it’s no longer just expensive crystals being faked, but even what is claimed to be amethyst, rose quartz and green aventurine can prove to be glass or plastic.
Your Energy is Sapped
If you cannot return it, then how about gifting it to a friend who doesn’t care about real or man-made or donate it to a Charity shop.
Here is another situation you may have found yourself in …
Have you been given a pendant by someone with good and pure intention, but it seems to sap your energy? Maybe you bought a pendant and now you can’t return it.
You know the pendant is energetically cleansed. That’s not the problem. Can you still wear it? Yes! Absolutely!
Here’s my story of when it happened to me and how Guidance solved the problem:
My Story:
I was given a beautiful pearl hanging from a silver necklace by a friend who held a beautiful energy. He had just begun making quality jewellery.
I felt it was too expensive and told him there was no need to give me anything. He insisted I accept it.
I put it on and loved it but immediately notice my energy was being sapped by the pearl especially my heart energy. I took it off and again said it was too much to receive. But this time his wife added her voice and insisted with him that they wanted me to have it. I could see they would feel offended if I kept refusing.
It was a gorgeous piece. I went within to my quiet space and asked my Guidance what should I do? They advised me to stop insisting on handing it back, as my friend was so excited to give it to me. They had a solution and would tell me later.
Once I got home, I channeled the following:
“If you already own a pendant that is fabulous at expanding your energy, then wear it at the same time as the one that is sapping your energy.”
In my case, it was to put on a moldavite pendant that was fabulous at expanding my heart energy. I hid it under my clothes, so I didn’t distract from the wonderful pearl necklace.
Now I can wear this amazing gift happily and it fills my mind with wonderful memories of my friendship with this person.
Your Energy is Overpower / Overwhelmed
And in the third situation that you may have found yourself in, is where you have had an experience of becoming very uncomfortable with a pendant such as feeling dizzy or ill, as if your energy is being over-powered.
You know the crystal is cleanse and you know you are wearing it in the right position.
In this case it could be caused by an energetically powerful crystal like a Meteorite, Moldavite or Euclase. What you are feeling is that you are receiving too much energy for your current level of development of your energy bodies and chakras.
There are two ways you can solve this.
I heard about one crystal advisor, who recommended that people stay in the strong discomfort as the crystal was quickly transforming their energies.
Ok that’s a strategy, but it’s not one I feel is right to experience for myself or for you. It does not feel right to go through being dizziness, sick, and overwhelmed by the emotions being dragged quickly from hidden depths to the surface for releasing. To me the emotional and physical bodies are saying “not so fast please”.
I discussed this with other crystal intuits and we agreed that listening the body was important and so we recommend letting the pendant do its magic in gentler stages.
Again, check with your own Guidance as to the better approach for you.
My Story:
I had this experience with my real moldavite pendant (there are loads of fakes out there now). I could only wear it for 10 minutes for several days, then half an hour, then an hour.
After some weeks, my energy field had transformed enough that the pendant was then happily worn all day. And I experienced a beautiful path of change, including the opening of my Heart as it transmuted the heartache, in the timing that I could manage while being employed full time.
What was also interesting to witness was a few customers had this experience with crystal pendants that were not normally classified as powerful.
I remember several experiencing dizziness with simple stones like tiger’s eye and howlite.
Some were prepared to move through the dizziness in stages, others were unwilling to buy and try.
Remember all crystals are working at physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.
I will be interested reading anyone else’s experiences with a pendant causing discomfort including what happened and why you think it happened, in the video’s Comments area.
Upgrading A Pendant’s Energy
How about this aspect of “The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit” – have you ever wondered about how you can change the energy of a crystal pendant to be even better? An alternative name for these energetic upgrades is “Blessings” or “Activations.
This can occur when attending an event featuring a Spiritual Guru from India, Tibet, or Rome for example.
And there are also those people who are far easier to access! These are the people whose talents lie in channeling high frequency while assisting you in a one-on-one session or a workshop. The person you may feel guided to may be called a psychic reader, holistic counsellor, or spiritual healer. There are many titles they may use, and you do need to sense if they are the right person for you not just a random pick at a Psychic Fair.
My Story:
In the past I did one-on-one energy healings where I would channel high frequency in a room of crystals. This involved a Healing Team of Guides including Souls, Higher Selves, Archangels and Ascended Masters who would “arrive” to assist with the session. Sometimes, at the time of booking the session, my Soul would request that my client bring some crystal jewellery to the healing.
Once session began, The Team and the room’s crystals would ensure that the jewelry received a deep cleansing and a re-charge of their energies. That way the customer had their “old” energy removed so the jewellery was revitalised to help them after the session.
But sometimes The Team knew that client was very ready for a major shift in their energies but that to do this in one session would be too intense for them to experience safely and completely. So, The Team would imbue the crystal jewelry with the new energy too. That way the client was able to receive ongoing transformational energy in the coming days and weeks.
How about checking in with your Guidance the next you are going to an energy healing or workshop, as to whether this is an opportunity to deep cleanse and transition your crystal jewelry too!
To Buy A Multi-Crystal Pendant Or Not? To Wear Multiple Pendants At The Same Time or Not?
This next section of “The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit” I will cover insights I received and gave in the shop about wearing:
- A pendant with multi-layering or multi-setting of crystals.
- Multiple pieces of jewelry all at the same time.
Multiple-crystal Pendant
Let’s talk first about wearing a pendant that is made from lots of different crystal types and whether this is a good idea or not. For example, this layered chakra pendant.
If you have been working with crystals for a while, you will be able to guess that this type of pendant is not as energetically effective as having the one, right crystal being worn at the right time.
And if you think I am imaging this, know that I have rarely been guided to buy multi-crystal pendants.
Ok there are exceptions so hold on till I get to that part later.
If you look at this pendant, there at 7 different crystal energies each trying to give their own unique assistance. And so, it is a “competition” of crystal energy and that leads to little assistance happening at all.
Do I sell these?
Yes. Mostly to people who like the look of them but are not yet believers in crystal assistance. And, I do intuit them for people who takes in energetic help through their eyes.
If this is you, this transfer of help will occur when you put it on, look at yourself in a mirror, or you enjoy lifting it up to look at through the day.
On the basic level of assistance:
- You are reminded how creative Mother Nature is, you some out of negativity and naturally start to ground.
- If it’s a bright mix of colours, it helps you to become cheerful and positive!
On the next level of assistance:
- You are unintentionally channeling the colours into your chakras to help them re-balance.
- And you can intentionally one-by-one, visualize each colour going through you top to bottom for even more cleansing, re-balancing, and opening.
Please realize that your energy field needs all colours to be at best health.
- Unfortunately, the West has dumbed down the original Eastern teachings and only put one colour per Chakra.
- For example: yellow at the Solar Plexus, leaving the chakra deprived of the “Nutrients” of other colours.
If you receive energy through your feeling senses, you will not feel much energy from them unless it’s a validation message to indicate the pendant is for someone else.
However, I have been around combinations of crystals in the one pendant or the one beaded necklace which were created by jewelry-making crystal intuits. And they did create powerful pieces. The creators did know which crystals to combine, how to combine them, and how to weave the different energies together while imbuing specific spiritual purpose into their creations.
If you are wanting to save money by buying one pendant with several crystal types, or, you like the look of them, consider this first:
When you buy a combination pendant such as one with amethyst + peridot + moonstone, that you are limiting your opportunities for help.
If you buy separate amethyst, peridot, and moonstone pendants, then on one day you could wear all three to strengthen your Feminine energies when you may become too task focused.
The next day you wear just peridot because that day you could be triggered to re-live past emotional pain, and it will help you release the sorrow and come closer to acceptance about the matter.
And in three days, wearing the amethyst pendant with a selenite pendant you also own, you are assisted to hone-in on developing your ability to receive intuitive insights.
Wearing Multiple Pendants
To complete this section: What should you know about wearing combinations of crystal pendants, earrings, bracelets, and possibly several in your pocket – all at the one time?
From my many years of intuiting for others and myself, I saw a pattern of when wearing combinations worked well or when the result was underwhelming, overwhelming and even to the point of creating someone to feel ill.
This usually came from wearing too many at one time. This is one of the mistakes made by beginners. It happens because:
- They want everything fixed now.
- So they pick a pendant for every situation that needs fixing – the ego’s way of selecting.
- Which drowns out any message their intuition tries to pass to them.
However, take it from a person who has “been there, done that” – if you trying to work on too many things all at once it creates a situation where nothing gets fixed as you cannot focus on anything properly.
You may be tired of hearing it, but there is a timing to what should be handled here and now. And the results are so much better when you allow yourself to follow the signs that you get through your Guidance. For example:
It may well be that on Monday:
- Your Guidance knows that it is likely that your buttons will be pushed when your mother phones to complain about something you did or didn’t do, driving you to feel ashamed and guilty.
- That morning it will guide you to wear your morganite or green aventurine pendant. And one of your black pendants for protection.
- The green crystals will help you to stay strong in the face of her unfair comments and help you see that it is a family pattern.
- This is how her mother talked to her. And her mother before her. It is a learned behaviour.
- Now it does not feel so personal and that you have hope to change it.
- A likely first step you intuit is to find a personal therapist or coach to help you.
On Wednesday and Friday:
- You will be guided to the protection of two pendants – one is tourmaline, the other is obsidian.
- This is because the odds are that you will be around a manipulative, overwhelming and / or bossy person on those days.
- The pendants will help you to ground and not to “collapse” in the face of adversity, while cleaning up the negativity projected on you, and, the negativity that is stirred up within you.
- Then they will help you with ideas of what is really occurring, what is hidden behind the drama playing out on the surface between you and that person – And what you could do to unravel it – Well, at least a bit of it.
- And that you need to wear your fluorite bracelet to counteract the draining of your energy by that person.
On Saturday and Sunday:
- You are attracted to your citrine or golden quartz pendant, plus your selenite pendant, as well as, your amethyst bracelet.
- Those days will be easy “at home” so you have time to reflect on why you don’t feel you are worthy and why you doubt yourself, with insights dropping in from Guidance.
- You will be able to build your self-esteem as you remember how many tasks and interactions with others that you are good at.
I hope you get the picture!
Rule of Thumb When Wearing Multiple Crystals
So in my “The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit” I do have a “rule of thumb” that has served me and others very well:
Avoiding wearing more than four different crystal types at one time.
I do not mean wearing rose quartz earrings, pendant, bracelets and two in the pocket is too much. They are same crystal so there is no problem.
What I mean is wearing rose quartz pendant, a peridot pendant with rhodonite, citrine, and aventurine bracelets and a labradorite pebble is in the pocket.
The rough “rule of thumb” is to wear and / or carry one, two, or three crystal types at one time.
If you have selected four or more, double check your Guidance.
And if the answer is that you need all 5 today, then ask again but include the words “What Do I Need to Wear Right Now?”
What is likely to be revealed is that your Guidance know you will be going out after work without coming home. So, they guided you to the 5 crystals.
- BUT for “right now” you only need to wear 3 of them.
- After work you are to swap some or all crystals to the other two. They will then support you through the evening activities.
After work you are interacting with a different set of people so you will need different crystal help!
On a side note: always have a velveteen bag in your bag or pocket so you can store any jewelry you may need to remove or swap during the day safely.
- I have ruined jewelry when it has ended up in the bottom of my handbag, I forget it’s there and things get thrown on top bending it out of shape.
- Or I placed it in my pocket, forgot it’s there and it ended up in the washing cycle. Sure its cleaner but probably in pieces!
Dealing With Bans or People’s Opinions
Let’s now move onto discussing how to enjoy the benefits of your crystal pendant but the environment has rules about wearing them as obvious these can get in the way of “The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit”. This includes:
- Bans
- Judgements by others
- Fashion Standards
When I use the term “ban” I mean the rules that limit your ability to wear jewelry at school or work.
I’m not saying you should ignore the rules at work or at school.
The ban about pendants could exist to protect you from physical or mental harm.
Customer Stories:
To illustrate this, let’s look at what happened during discussions I had with nurses over the years. They often could not openly wear their jewelry.
And if you think about it, the hospital was wanting to protect the staff from being accidentally strangled by someone who grabs the necklace while they’re having a mental breakdown.
- The nurses and I found alternative places to hide them – one was to hide them in their bra.
- Another was to place them inside internal pockets.
- Once work was over, they could come out of hiding and be worn properly.
And at schools, especially junior grades, there can jewelry bans too.
Why? The rules probably exist:
- to protect a child from playground injuries.
- to protect a child from being upset if the jewelry was lost or stolen at school.
- And to reduce the chance of the child being the focus a jealous bully.
Here are how mothers came up with solutions:
- Firstly, if the school allowed for religious symbols like the Christian Cross, they would see if they could get it as a crystal.
- Some created hidden pockets in their children’s school clothes.
- Be aware that if you decide to use pockets you will have to think about the crystal’s shape is in case your child falls on top of it.
- While others ensured that the crystal pendant was kept in the car, so that as soon as their child entered, they could put them on to start feeling the healing help.
Maybe you believe or know that in your workplace, having crystals on your desk would lead to unpleasant comments.
A pendant can then be the easiest way of sneaking one in. It’s very hard for most employers to argue that you can’t wear a pendant. And maybe you should buy those that are smaller sized, so the critics are less likely to notice it. Or you can hide the pendant under a top with a higher neckline or a jumper.
And remember don’t talk about the crystal energies while you’re in this workplace. You can enjoy knowing that you have a secret helper getting on with its task of helping you directly and indirectly.
Also be aware of the possibility that it may just be your fear of being judged rather than a reality.
My Story:
I bought a few of crystals to a Dental Association where I was employed many years ago. The CEO was a bit concerned about them. As well as my chatter about dream interpretation when I was helping someone who thought their dream was predictive and was in fear of being drowned on their holiday. However, the rest of the staff loved seeing Nature’s creations as my jewelry and on my desk!
Fashion Opinions
Do you feel a conflict between what you are guided to wear and what fashion magazines and social media say are the trends?
May be your intuition guides you to what is considered the wrong shape, chain length, size, or crystal to be fashionable?
This is where you need to decide about following fashion rules if you’re also wanting the crystal pendants to help you in the best way possible.
My tip: You may find it easier to pick the crystals to wear for the day BEFORE picking the clothes.
Pendant Size, Shape and Setting
And finally in my discussion of “The Art of Selecting and Using a Crystal Pendant for Maximum Benefit”, let me answer your questions as to whether size, shape or setting matters is about to be answered!
The quick answer – they do … sometimes!
Pendant Size
So let’s chat about “does pendant size matter?”
If the pendant is intuited as being needing to only assist you and not indirectly other people, then even a small pendant is fine. It might take longer to work but because they sit beautifully against your skin for hours on end, they will work if they’re hanging at the best position. Remember that discussion from earlier in the video?
Now you may be guided to a larger piece because it wants to help you directly, but also, to work with the energy of the environment around you. Again, I had quite a chat about direct and indirect assistance earlier.
Sometimes you might need a pendant larger than usual because your Guidance is has a specific message for you.
For example, it could be that you do need to see the value of you. And that by buying smaller pendants than you really want, you have been reinforcing that you are not good enough to have what you want. They are trying to use the size of the pendant so you will see it and positively affirm each time “Hey, I really deserve this! And doesn’t it look wonderful?
Your Guidance is fully aware of the situation of your finances, and they can guide you as to what is important to spend your $$$ on. Maybe you will feel the nudge to stop buying a $15 lunch each day for a few days. Then you will have the funds to get a pendant that lasts a lifetime!
And finally, sometimes you can get away with a smaller pendant because of its shape.
Certain shapes are very effective at directing energy into the areas you need. This is particularly well known for the double terminated pendants. I have had many experiences of wearing them and noticing that they get to work a lot faster than a round pendant does.
Pendant Shape
So, let’s move fully into a discussion of “does a pendant’s shape matter?”
Have you been frustrated that even though you have a crystal as a particular bracelet, or even as a particular pendant shape, you may be guided to buy that crystal again as another pendant.
Did you wonder why?
- First check your intuition to see if it is Guidance, letting you know that it’s time to wear the pendant you already own.
- If “No”, then check to see if you need to buy it for someone else?
- If “No”, then if the reason is that you need the shape to assist you too.
When you are guided to the right crystal plus a particular shape, there is twice the ability for your pendant to work with you to help you.
I first want to cover the six-pointed star shape known as the Hexagram.
It will illustrate why all the scared geometries including the Flower of Life symbol hold their own specialness.
First of all, if you are worried about religious symbolism, I looked up Wikipedia:
- “The hexagram, being an inherently simple geometric construction, has been used in various motifs throughout human history, which were not exclusively religious.”
Its representation in most crystal jewelry it is dumbed down to look like this. As you can see the hexagon is made up of two triangles – One triangle points up and one points down.
This has made it a lovely visual aid to remember several ideas while you are wearing it:
- Firstly – The upward triangle represents what I will call “the sacred masculine energy” and the downward triangle represents “the sacred feminine energy”. Hopefully you can see how it is a graphical representation of male and female anatomy.
- In this shape it is about the two of them coming into one.
- This can be very important if you have tended to be a person who only seems to work in your masculine energy and reject your feminine or vice versa.
- And so, the symbolism is trying to remind you that you are whole when you bring both parts of yourself together.
- Some people might also find it a helpful visual aid for attracting their life partner. And this does not have to mean heterosexual. I am talking energetic.
- Another important representation of this is the downward triangle represents bringing the energies from “above” down to you, and you who is represented by the bottom triangle is reaching up to connect.
- Or the upwards triangle could represent Mother Earth’s energy being sent up to you and you reaching down to it, connecting you to the love of Mother Earth. This reminds you that She is a truly wonderful, supportive, and vibrant energy and to ground yourself in Her assistance.
Are you guided to buy an animal pendant? Animals can often be a great shape to wear for extra assistance.
For example, you may feel drawn to buy an eagle pendant because the eagle reminds you:
- That it does not hesitate can get what it needs – it is natural.
- It flies around as the Master of the Air.
- And these insights remind you through your day, to be the Master of your life and not the follower of someone else’s life.
A crystal owl pendant which in Western Society represents wisdom as in “the wise owl”,
- can remind you to check through the day as to whether the knowledge you have collected is being purely shared as facts and opinions to others, or
- have you transformed it into wisdom?
There would be times where I intuited that someone needed a more structural pendant, where the shape was:
- a triangle, square or rectangle.
- And even a faceted pendant rather than a rounded one.
Why? Because it was to be that person’s reminder to create more structure in their life so they could bring more success to it.
Customer Story:
One customer needed a rose quartz pendant in a square setting to:
- remind them that they are lovable, and their Angels were around to support them.
- And while they showed a natural feminine, flowing energy, if they would add more structure to their activities then it would make their life even better.
Similarly, I would be guided to a message that a rounded, oval, even organic shaped pendant would be:
- a visual reminder that “getting in action and taking the lead was great,
- but that feeling into what was the flow for that action would make the results even better!”
I could go on and on about this area but hopefully you get the idea and can do your research.
One final point, know that sometimes the shape is more important than the crystal.
Sometimes the crystal is more important than the shape.
And that a crystal store can’t have every shape in every crystal type!
This could also be a reason why you buy a crystal in one shape then buy another shape in plain silver and are then guided to wear them together.
This happened for me – a Flower of Life gold pendant often needed to be worn with my clear quartz double terminated pendant.
Pendant Setting
And now onto the final topic of the video “Does the pendant’s setting matter?” This is probably the least often thing I needed to guide customers about.
Should you buy pendant in a claw setting? Usually it is a practical consideration – are you going to wear knit or open weave tops? If yes then a claw setting is not a good idea as you will catch the pendant on your outfit, damaging the clothes and probably damaging the claw so the crystal falls out.
Energetically claws could be:
- a reminder for you to reach and grab what you need, or
- that it was important for you to hold onto something that is important to you even in the face of opposition.
It was very important however to NOT buy was a setting with a closed-in back. Initially this advice was given to me by experienced crystal intuits when I was a beginner.
Over time it also became obvious that My Guides were always guiding me away from pendants that had closed backs. But initially when I was first intuiting, I wasn’t very good at believing I was getting my messages correctly. So, if I got a “No” energy from my intuition but I was thinking “But the crystal pendant is so pretty!”, I would buy them.
These pendants sat on the shelf for a very long time being looked at but then rejected by those who worked with energy who I could see were ready to buy on first sight until they saw the back and felt their energy.
My Crystal Team’s Guidance is that a pendant on a closed back setting, means the crystal energy is only going forwards from the physical body. It can help the emotional and mental energy fields. However, the physical and etheric energy fields which are to the side and behind cannot receive very well.
And when a crystal helps you, it wants to help at all levels. If you have had an issue for a long while, it is sitting in all of your energy bodies and do you not what all of them to be helped? A crystal against the skin helps the energy get more effectively into the etheric and physical fields too.
And now let me touch quickly on the need sometimes for you to wear a particular-colored pendant setting, chain or cord.
There have been times that a customer needed to wear a brown cord because the brown would help them think about rooting their energies properly into the Earth.
If a customer needed more sun energy, which is known as:
- an action energy,
- a “throw the light on it” energy,
- the masculine energy,
- they may be guided to a setting or chain in a gold-coloured setting even if they normally bought silver.
Sometimes they would say to you “that’s funny, I’ve been feeling I needed gold around me, but thought I was imagining it!”
However, it can be quite expensive to buy gold pendants and because of this it also very hard to find them in crystal shops, and jewelry stores only have a limited range. The solution is to use a gold-coloured chain. Just wear it with your silver pendant and just be okay that it does not match.
And vice versa. A silver-coloured setting or chain would be intuitive if the person needed more:
- Luna or moon energy,
- which is known as the reflective energy,
- the flowing energy,
- and the feminine energy.
As I wind up this video, one final insight:
Your Guidance will always consider your preferences too. If you like large, and there is no strong reason for a smaller one, then both will get a good “yes” energy. If you love heart pendants and there is no strong reason for a tear shaped one, then the heart and the tear shapes will both feel energetically good. You always have the final choice.
My name is Shamarah creating videos to help you to enjoy your crystals more! I really do hope that this video has made you more confident how to effectively wear your pendants while avoiding some beginner mistakes.
Don’t forget to build your intuition by practicing the simple, everyday task of selecting which pendant to wear and where to position them.
And remember the more you allow in the help of your crystal friends through practice and by releasing old beliefs that loving the assistance of crystals is “wrong”, then quicker you can feel them getting to work for you!
Comments are beneficial to me and other viewers, especially if you had a similar experience to those mentioned. It brings us closer when we can share our stories of the art of selecting a crystal pendant for maximum benefit. And you can use your new insights to buy from our huge range of necklaces, chains and pendants – click here!