Gardens of Healing – My Special Space

POST - My Sacred Garden 5

The easiest place to create a large special space is in the garden or park…

This is the first special space I have created in a backyard. In this case, it was in my own back garden with a lovely friend, Liz.

Over the past years, friends, clients and I have witnessed some pretty amazing things clairvoyantly when this “portal” activates. This occurs when we are doing a healing in the room beside it. And if I needed to do ceromony over it after returning from a spiritual trip to scred places. Unfortunately now that we have a shop, the room is not available for sessions.

While these pictures cannot show you the ceremonial laying of each layer nor the energy of what was created (unless you are sensitive and can tune in), they do give some insight into the loveliness of the creating process.

The process:

1. Liz and I called in land, guardians, devas, Spirit to team with us.

2. We were guided to use the Flower of Life scared geometry. So here I am scratching the pattern into the dirt.

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3. The patterned was outlined three times in mini crystals. Plus in the centre we buried:

  • a clear quartz laser/wand I called “St Michael’s Sword”,
  • natural 8-faced obsidian, rainbow hematite,

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4. This is how it looked after it was outlined with 3 layers of “drawing” with crystal chips. We then had to leave the pattern for a few hours to “settle in”.

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5. After lunch we were were guided to fill in 4 times a specific layer of patterns “drawn” with crystals. This included one code we recognised: a code for the DNA. We then had to leave the pattern overnight to again settle the energies.

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6. In the morning, eight clear quartz points/generators then were added to the surrounding of the geometry.

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7. Two days later, the structure was covered in grass so the garden stayed a practical space. Other crystals can be laid on top, or people can lay on top without damage to geometries.

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8. And finally over the next month, outlying directional points were anchored with:

  • North (under fountain): dead Rosella, banksia seed pod, shells
  • East and West: Hedge plants clipped into sacred geometries
  • South: A glass container (shaped like the Sun) filled with chips

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