This article is composed of the most positive thing I did when I was anxious and worse, so here is how to help someone with depression be that you or someone you know. It’s not always about buying crystals and “things”. It comes from a combination of little steps that made the difference for me.
When I got afraid of not having enough money, I stopped doing these, and in hind sight I realised it was one of my biggest mistakes and I believe it worsened my spiral down. When I once again started to support others even in small measures, life had meaning and I started feeling part of the world again thereby lifting myself out of the darkness step by step.
I also used these ideas as a means to channel frustration and anger at what I saw in the world, into a more positive and therefore more energetically uplifting way of knowing I could make a difference in the world. This also helped me feel more empowered and more connected to others, and thereby, my energy field/energy bodies got stronger, more balanced and my reality become so much better.
How can you help the Earth?
Upset over whaling? Bad drugs? Burma repression? Pollution? Increasing violence?
Donating, signing petitions, going on walks, prayers … all of these things really help the world be a better place. And they help you to feel you are contributing not just complaining. For me – starting these actions moved me out of depression and into feeling I did have a purpose in life. Many of them cost nothing but your time and you may even make some lovely friendships.
Sign Petitions – Its Free or a Small Donation
There are a range of organisations who bring about change through petitions that would love your support. They really are very effective in helping get individual voices campaigning as one. Definitely sign some petitions so you can see that your voice does matter. Here’s who I work through:
- Australian marine conservation
- Greenpeace Australia
- or google petition + whatever is your focus
Volunteer – Its Easy
One of my biggest suggestion when people in the shop asked by how to help someone with depression was to recommend volunteer work. It is the best way to physically see the difference you/they are making in the world around you. Many offer weekly and monthly options. Many also get you/they out of the home and/or the negative head space. I made some lovely aquantainces as we worked side-by-side:
- Local Council e.g. Support for the elderly, Bush regeneration …
- Local Animal groups e.g. Walk the dogs, Clean animals, Foster animals
- Ring any Charity and see what they need a hand with e.g. help in their retail outlet, calli for donations, drive things around, secretarial work, IT work, Social media support …
Offer Energetic Help
Various organisation offer prayers and healing meditations that you can add your assistance to::
- The Sirius Library – its been going under various names for a while but listen to the previous meditations anyway as they are fabulous.
- Look around social media for a group that reunite as aligned to your values and the way you like to express yourself
- your own religion may have suitable arrangements
Financially Support A Charity To Help
These are organisations I support financially as there is no “anti” energy or religious influences. Most are international but Graham and I donate through Australia as we get tax benefits – and then we can support more!
- World Wildlife Fund – helps the animals and their habitats – also teaches the local conservation
- Oxfam – aids the disadvantaged
- – Doctors Without Borders
- Wateraid Australia – puts in water and sanitary systems for those disadvantaged through no access to quality water
- Australian Marine Conservation– helps marine life to survive by not letting big business and government ruin their ecosystems through dumb decisions.
- Backtrack Youth Works – getting boys out of the cycle of jail and into their dreams
- Community Development – the funds go to provide assistance to the Aboriginal community to develop skills – it is a great case of “teach a man to fish”.
Remember, it’s the little things that allow us to help Mother Earth become a happier place. And that helps you feel more in control of your life and gives you a greater sense of self and how you contribute to the world around you. Just saying hello to a stranger in the street can be amazing to see and feel.
And it’s those little things, that change your energy to one you can delight in. So let me know if they were good to answer you question about how to help someone with depression too.
Of course if after reading this, you do want crystal assistance too (yes I did eventually discover their amazing help which lifted me out of the negativity) – we have whole shop of crystals that can help indifferent ways – here are suggestions: click here.