I had fun finally joining a lapidary club, creating beauty out of some odd looking crystals buy a bit of grinding and polishing to create these Amethyst Cut Base Clusters and palm cluster.
The quality is very good with great purples. I left the edges raw except where I ground off some sharp, unattractive parts.
To help you select I created this video (click here).
With a point you can use it to cut cords and for meridian work. Most people buy this as they are enjoyable to hold during meditation. It is probably too long to fit in hemp necklaces.
Loads of people notice how their anxiety lessens, peace of mind comes in allowing insights to occur when they are around amethyst. Read more on the Healing tab.
Unfortunately although it’s new onto the website it look as if it has been “patched” to fill in a natural hole on the side. Most times I don’t notice it. This is an increasing problem of the past four years whether crystal is via India or China. I am choosing now to concentrating on clusters and not polished pieces.
Did the video help you discover which amethyst cut base cluster or palm cluster is yours.