Looking for Rose Quartz tumbles for gridding, kid’s part gifts or for use in a meditation group?
Use my hand as a guide to the size but I call this small tumble size. These are not high grade and there may be damage to the occasional one. We will not pre-check that all yours are perfect.
- Bag A has a bag weight 85 g approx. with 6 tumbles so the perfect size for gridding. These are roughly the size of the photo.
- Bag B of mixed small sizes creating a group of 12 and the bag weights approx. 88g.
- Bag C of 8 tumbles for total weight 80g, so again great for grids.
This crystal is the biggest selling crystal along with amethyst. It is about letting love and support into your life. And while I don’t this reminder, I do have rose quartz in the home to bring harmony for my soul mate relationship and to ensure I anchor it in the business.
Ignore dimensions as thats for packaging, use the information above instead..
Tumbles are an organic shape so also support the feminine side of self. This then combines to the Divine Love of rose quartz itself.