It has been hard to get quality Clear Quartz Massage Wands without getting glass. These are definitely real with their mists, rainbows and inclusions. The misting goes from mild to strong across the different pieces. The later making the energy of the crystal more gentle and more feminine.
It has two differently sized round ends so two different deeps can be done to massage out knots. But a whole heap of people buy it just to hold as its so pretty. And you can read more about the how to use a crystal wand. Or enjoy the video about all the ways to use this shape on YouTube @crystal-experiences – click here.
This crystal can be programmed easily to any intention. In its “natural” state it is mainly used for cleaning, energizing and amplifying. Hold it to improve concentration, memory and clarity.
You could macramé the smaller ones into a necklace like I have seen some customers do. Dimensions are for D. I have excess to needs hence the discount.
Feel which of this clear quartz massage wands is for you by watching this video showing them in order A to I.