Have you considered how a fossilised shark tooth speaks for its self, and we have a range of teeth sizes! They come from Morocco. Our main buyers are boys and younger men.
These pieces that are usually used for display as not as robust as you may expect.
Please ensure you do not soak these in water as the upper area gets soft, they have not fossilised fully or sun exposure affected them
Read about the geological information here.
- Weight and dimensions are for the large size (left) as per main photo examples – there is a bigger range of colours than it shows..
- We introduced a medium sized fossils (photo 2).
- And where some are undersized I discounted and called “Small” (photo 3).
- And as some damaged ones (possibly wear and tear) if the budget is tight (photo 4),
Pick your choice of size and quality (sorry no picks on colour), we will intuit the right fossilised shark tooth for you.